Upcoming Events:

Community Outreach - Saturday April 12th 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

GetREADY On The Move!!!

Community Outreach

Like Jesus called us to do, WE WILL GO! 

Members of the community receive groceries, clothing,

food and a variety of items at these community events.

The gospel is shared and souls are won into the kingdom of God. 

316 Community Outreach

Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren,

you did it to Me.

Community Fun Fest for the whole family March 16th. 

Reaching our community for Jesus Christ,

praying for the sick.

This may be the only meal some may have eaten today!!!



 We love watching God work through people.



Back to School Events

Children received backpacks and school supplies, prayed for and were motivated for the upcoming school-year.              

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Members of the Community received a  free car- wash, food and clothing at our July 4th Celebration. 


Children received backpacks and school supplies, prayed for and were motivated for the upcoming school-year.              


Holiday Events

Under Constructions               


under construction